Available November 29 - December 31, 2024
Get a $50 bonus card with every $100 gift card purchase or a $20 bonus card with every $50 gift card purchase. This offer is available from November 29 through New Year’s Eve. Treat yourself, share with loved ones or both.
Savor the season with us. Happy holidays!
Purchase $100+ in Gift Cards – Receive a $50 bonus card to redeem in-house*
Purchase $50 in Gift Cards – Receive a $20 bonus card to redeem in-house*
* Gift cards purchased at Bottleneck locations in November 29 – December 31 cannot be used until 24 hours after purchase. Gift card purchases do not count toward event minimums.
Bonus cards are valid in-house Jan-Feb 2025. Not valid on 3rd party delivery apps. Max of one $50 or one $20 bonus card redeemable per check, one person per table (or event) may redeem. Gift card purchases do not go toward event minimum.